"Play With Pausing" in ExpressScribe

by M. Rhodes

One of the best features of ExpressScribe is "Play With Pausing" functionality. You can can configure your hot-keys so that the audio plays then pauses (with a bit of rewind) so that you can catch up to the recording while typing.

This eliminates the need for a foot pedal. After using this, I would never go back to a foot pedal.

I have my F11 key configured so that when I start an audio file by pressing F11, it plays and pauses, thus eliminating the need to rewind the audio.

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Jun 16, 2021
Great tip!
by: Andrew Head

Thank you so much! I was not aware this feature was present in Express Scribe. It feels like a deal breaker as to whether I would want to use the software or not for making transcriptions.

Jun 27, 2017
Thank You!
by: HeyLisa

Thank you for this tip!! I get tired of sitting in the same position for hours, this will really help.

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